A solid ROI on your digital mailroom project is just one call away.

Dealing with often large streams of incoming documents and data can be a challenge. Smart Capture by IRIS helps automate and digitize incoming document flows, resulting in greater efficiency, better compliance, increased customer satisfaction and faster business processes.

Best of all, the scalable approach handles all volumes and documents, regardless of content type, source or channel.

IRIS guarantees a positive ROI on your individual business case. Intelligent software includes AI and machine learning components to get the most out of your content.

Smart Capture = Capture > Classify > Index > Process

01. Capture

Incoming content arrive from all angles. Whether paper-based or already digital, it can be a challenge to ensure all documents are timely processed in line with your quality standards.

IRIS implements a capture solution that handles all input channels. When needed digitization is performed. High-class conversion and compression technologies ensure minimum file size while guaranteeing authenticity and optimization for further handling.

Mailroom under control.

02. Classify

Automatic classification of incoming documents, both physical and digital, allows information to arrive sooner at the right place for processing, and boosts customer satisfaction, shortens response times and saves costs.

We configure an extensive classification scenario in just a few clicks. Whatever the number of document types, you just have to feed the solution with a few sample documents of each type. The system trains itself automatically using machine learning methods.

Sorting done automatically.

03. Index

Once documents are labeled with a classification type, finding relevant information for further processing is made possible. After all, an invoice contains different relevant data than a resume, loan application or medical attest.

Integrations with business applications enable the usage of available information, making it possible to perform checks and validations. Next to that, it is possible to retrieve data based on AI technologies, making the handling of the document more easy than ever before.

Data collection finished.

04. Process

So here we are. We have a set of documents, in good quality and the right document format. Documents are labeled and the relevant information on each document is detected and extracted. Documents are ready for processing.

Based on the retrieved information, documents are sent to the right process. Examples are automatic depositing in a document management platform, registration in a business application like ERP or CRM, and the delivery of personal content directly to an employee.

Package delivered.